Coaching at

Cintra Park Tennis and Sports Centre

We have all your coaching needs in the one location at Cintra Park Tennis and Sports Centre

Cintra Park Tennis and Sports Centre offers many different options for your coaching needs. We offer private one-on-one or group lessons for any skill level and age. We are also proud to offer the ANZ Hotshots program designed for kids who are new to tennis and are just starting out.


Private Lessons

The best way to improve and refine your skills are in a one-to-one private lesson.


Group Lessons

Group Tennis lessons are structured to teach technical as well as tactical skills to take your game to the next level.


ANZ Hot Shots

ANZ Hot Shots is designed by Tennis Australia for children starting out in tennis based on a learning through play philosophy.



Singles, Doubles, Social and Senior competitions are just some of the competitions we offer here.

Come and try us out FREE!

Contact Us

417-439 Bunnerong Road
Matraville NSW 2036.              Phone: 02 9093 6390


Our Hours

MON-FRI  7:00am – 10:00pm

SAT-SUN  7:00am – 8:00pm